Data theft, sabotage, espionage
Huge damage caused by attacks on companies
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The financial losses are increasing massively: German companies will suffer record damage of 266.6 billion euros in 2023 due to attacks. This is significantly more than in previous years, as a survey shows.
According to a survey by the digital association Bitkom, attacks on German companies are increasing significantly. In the past twelve months, 81 percent of all companies were affected, and another ten percent suspect it, as the association announced. In 2023 the shares were still 72 and 8 percent. More than 1,000 companies across all industries were surveyed for the study.
The attacks caused companies record financial damage of 266.6 billion euros last year. The previous high of 223.5 billion euros was reached in 2021. According to the survey, companies were able to attribute most of the attacks to organized crime. Foreign secret services were mentioned by 20 percent – significantly more often than in 2023, when seven percent of companies said this.
According to the survey, the most important starting point for attacks on the German economy is China: 45 percent of the affected companies were able to trace at least one attack back to the country, as Bitkom announced. Russia is in second place with 39 percent. At the same time, attacks from Eastern European countries outside the EU and Russia have increased by 32 percent.
Increased threat situation
“The threat situation for the German economy is getting worse. Companies must further increase their protective measures. This applies to digital as well as classic attacks, such as eavesdropping on meetings or the theft of physical documents,” said Bitkom President Ralf Wintergerst.
When presenting the study, the Vice President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Sinan Selen, said that international conflicts and systemic rivalries shaped the security situation in cyberspace. The interlinking of cyber espionage and cybercrime has therefore continued to increase. The line between state and non-state perpetrators is becoming increasingly blurred.
Cyber attacks are particularly dangerous
According to Bitkom, cyber attacks pose a particular danger to the economy. According to the survey, two thirds of companies now see their existence threatened by cyber attacks; a year ago it was 52 percent and in 2021 it was only 9 percent.
At the same time, only half (53 percent) believe that their company is very well prepared for cyber attacks. “In a digital, networked world, IT security is of particular importance. IT security must be the responsibility of corporate management everywhere. At the same time, we must further expand the exchange between business and state authorities in order to coordinate protective measures and criminal prosecution,” said the association.