Six-figure sums
That's what the fees are supposed to be “Crime scene”-Be stars
Updated on December 16, 2024Reading time: 2 minutes
![Jan Josef Liefers and Axel Prahl: They have stood for the since 22 "Crime scene" in front of the camera.' title='Jan Josef Liefers and Axel Prahl: They have stood for the since 22 "Crime scene" in front of the camera.' width="1728" height="972" class="bg-[url:var(--lqipURL)] bg-cover bg-center flex w-full max-w-full h-full" decoding="async"><span><picture><source media="(prefers-color-scheme:dark)" type="image/svg+xml"></source><img style="--width:32;--height:32" loading="lazy" src="" alt="Enlarge the image" title="Enlarge the image" class="
absolute bottom-8 right-8 rounded-4 bg-snow p-8" decoding="async"></picture></span></p>
<p><figcaption class="inline-block text-12 leading-15 pt-12">Jan Josef Liefers (l.) and Axel Prahl: They have stood for the for 22 years “Crime scene” in front of the camera.<!-- --> (Source: WDR/Bavaria Fiction GmbH/Thomas Kost)</figcaption></p>
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<p class="font-bold text-18 leading-17">Jan Josef Liefers and Axel Prahl are the stars in Münster “Crime scene”. WDR is apparently digging deep into its pockets for their commitment.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">This Sunday evening, Frank Thiel and Professor Karl-Friedrich Boerne are investigating again on the Erste. In “Crime scene: You only die twice” is about the murder of a lawyer who was pierced by the spear of an exotic warrior sculpture and an insurance fraud. The actors Axel Prahl and Jan Josef Liefers have been playing the chief inspector and the forensic doctor for more than 20 years now “Crime scene” from Münster.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">Westdeutscher Rundfunk is sticking with the popular duo. No wonder, the editions from the city in North Rhine-Westphalia have the highest ratings in the crime series. And the WDR costs a lot for that. Research by the industry magazine “Media Insider” should disclose the actors' salaries. Accordingly, Axel Prahl and Jan Josef Liefers have received 250,000 euros per episode since 2017. It is a flat-rate payment that also includes press appointments. As a rule, WDR broadcasts two episodes from Münster per year – accordingly, Axel Prahl and Jan Josef Liefers receive a total of 500,000 euros.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">Christine Urwurf is also an integral part of the Münster”crime scene”. She embodies Boerne's assistant Silke Haller. However, she receives far less salary for her work than her male colleagues. For the output “You only die twice” According to the media report, this Sunday she received 22,000 euros. She was involved in four of the 23 days of filming. It is not known how many days of filming Axel Prahl and Jan Josef Liefers completed.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">Axel Prahl just spoke to t-online about his role in the crime series. “It's always a great pleasure for me to be able to work with such an unpretentious, collegial actor colleague”he said about Jan Josef Liefers. “We're also very silly and childish at times, and I think the rest of the team has to have really strong nerves at times. But it's not uncommon for something entertaining to come out of it.”</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">How did you like this one? “Crime scene”? Write an email to Please use the subject “Crime scene” and give reasons.</p>
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That's what the fees are supposed to be “Crime scene”-Be stars
Updated on December 16, 2024Reading time: 2 minutes
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