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    HomeTechnologiesApple's iCloud is second to last at Stiftung Warentest

    Apple’s iCloud is second to last at Stiftung Warentest


    Google has the best cloud service
    Apple’s iCloud is second to last at Stiftung Warentest

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    Stiftung Warentest is testing nine cloud services. Google One Premium wins, and two German services also do well. Apple’s widely used iCloud Plus only comes in second to last place with the Note 4.

    Backups are extremely important to avoid losing important data. They should never be stored on just one medium or device. Cloud storage is particularly practical for this, where documents, photos, etc. are saved on a service’s servers. Stiftung Warentest tested nine services that offer at least 1 terabyte (TB) of online storage space starting at around seven euros per month. Four test candidates performed well, three performed satisfactorily and two only performed adequately.

    Four criteria were included in the quality assessment. When it came to handling (40 percent), the examiners assessed, among other things, how usable apps, browser and desktop applications are, how easy they are to set up and how understandable the instructions are. The speed (30 percent) of folder synchronization, uploads and downloads make up 30 percent of the overall grade.

    When it comes to basic protection of private data (20 percent), it is important to collect as little user data as possible, secure user accounts and data transmission, and offer a correct data protection declaration. Finally, Warentest also tested the versatility, for example how well files can be shared and edited together.

    German services can keep up

    The test victory was secured Google with OnePremium (10 euros per month), which received a quality rating of 2.1. The handling and speed of the service are good, the versatility is very good. The US company only handles basic protection of private data satisfactorily. Microsoft One Drive With an overall grade of 2.3, it only performed slightly weaker in detail, but only costs 7 euros per month.

    Strato HiDrive (7.50 euros) also achieved a quality rating of 2.3. If the versatility is not that important, which the testers found only satisfactory, the service is recommended for users who want European data protection. The service’s servers are located exclusively in Germany. As in all other categories, Strato received a good rating for basic personal data protection.

    The Magenta Cloud XL (9.95 euros) from Telekom is the third service with a quality rating of 2.3. All of its data centers are in Germany and its versatility is good. However, the auditors found how Telekom protects the personal data of its cloud customers only satisfactory. GMX 1TB (10 euros) didn’t get more than an overall grade of 2.8 because his speed was only rated sufficiently. Otherwise, the service impressed with consistently good grades.

    Apple service is just sufficient

    Dropbox Plus (12 euros) is very fast and also very versatile. However, the well-known US provider does not take the protection of personal data (3.5) very seriously, and there was a downgrade for its very clear deficiencies in the terms and conditions. The quality rating couldn’t be better than 3.0.

    The one used by millions of iPhone owners suffered the same fate Apple iCloud Plus (10 euros), as its general terms and conditions deficiencies are also very clear. Because the speed and basic protection of private data were only rated as satisfactory, the Apple service ended up in second to last place with an overall grade of 3.8.

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