“A good face for a bad game?”
Anna Heiser causes a stir with her Christmas post
Updated on December 27, 2024Reading time: 2 minutes
![Gerald Heiser and Anna Heiser: That "Farmer is looking for a wife"-Couple has been married since 2018.' title='Gerald Heiser and Anna Heiser: That "Farmer is looking for a wife"-Couple has been married since 2018.' width="1639" height="922" class="bg-[url:var(--lqipURL)] bg-cover bg-center flex w-full max-w-full h-full" decoding="async"><span><picture><source media="(prefers-color-scheme:dark)" type="image/svg+xml"></source><img style="--width:32;--height:32" loading="lazy" src="https://insanityflows.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/baldwin-trial-videos-show-camerawomans-death-throes.svg.svg+xml" alt="Enlarge the image" title="Enlarge the image" class="
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<p><figcaption class="inline-block text-12 leading-15 pt-12">Gerald Heiser and Anna Heiser: That “Farmer is looking for a wife”-Couple has been married since 2018.<!-- --> (Source: Horst Galuschka/IMAGO)</figcaption></p>
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<p class="font-bold text-18 leading-17">The “Farmer is looking for a wife”Stars Gerald and Anna Heiser are going through a marital crisis. A Christmas post from the two of them received numerous comments.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">“Farmer is looking for a wife”Star Anna Heiser recently openly admitted: She and her husband Gerald are having marital problems. The two met seven years ago on the RTL dome show, now live in Namibia with their two children and are now working on their relationship. As Anna Heiser revealed on Instagram at the beginning of December, they are in couples therapy. Despite their crisis, their Christmas seemed harmonious.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">The TV stars shared several photos on Instagram that show them smiling on Christmas Day. Sometimes Anna and Gerald Heiser pose only with their children, whose faces they make unrecognizable in pictures, and sometimes with other family members at a set table. You can see all photos if you click to the right in the following post.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">“Merry Christmas, dear ones! We wish you a wonderful celebration full of love, warmth and radiant moments. May your time with family and friends be filled with joy and security”writes Anna Heiser, who runs the social media account, on the post.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">“Take good care of yourself, enjoy the special moments and let yourself be touched by the magic of Christmas”she also tells her 242,000 followers. She herself doesn't mention her marital crisis in the Christmas post, but her fans make it an issue: “You are such a great family. Don't hurt us by causing you to split up. Keep sticking together, you can do it. All the best to you”writes one user.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">“You better take care of yourself as a little young family” and “I wish you all the best for the new year and that you get back together again. You are such a beautiful couple and family”it says in further comments. Some users are wondering what the Heisers' marriage is currently like: “Do you have a good face for a bad game or are you still a couple? Nevertheless, I wish you a Merry Christmas and peaceful holidays”someone asks. However, one user is sure: “You certainly didn't break up, that would be a shame.”</p>
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Anna Heiser causes a stir with her Christmas post
Updated on December 27, 2024Reading time: 2 minutes
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