Sunday, January 19, 2025
    HomeGardenNew construction system under test – these are the challenges lurking

    New construction system under test – these are the challenges lurking


    The popular “Pax”-Cabinet from Ikea has been given a new assembly system. Our editor Laura Helbig tested it – and was frustrated in some places.

    Assembling furniture requires a certain amount of skill and, ideally, a little experience. I actually have the experience – I have assembled countless Ikea pieces of furniture on my own, even once an entire kitchen. But when assembling the “Pax” I'm a little desperate with the new plug-in system (read more about it here).

    Ikea promises that the new assembly system will not only make assembling the furniture much quicker, but also less complicated – so simple that you can “Pax”-body on my own. After my attempt to build the basic structure of the wardrobe on my own, I am skeptical about the latter.

    Because the “Pax” is a massive and heavy cupboard. I had problems with the first step, setting up the connected back and side walls. When I unfolded the walls, the body wobbled back and forth quite a bit. In the video above you can see how hard I struggled.

    Once the basic structure is in place, the next step – putting the panels together and attaching them – is actually pretty easy. To do this, however, you have to put the elements in the right way round. Unfortunately, I didn't do that in one place with the feet, which meant that the base plate didn't fit in the end.

    But the biggest challenge was still to come: the ceiling panel. Since the new “Pax” If you no longer have to put it upright but lying down, you have to somehow lift the heavy plate onto the cabinet and insert it into the side walls. This was a difficult task for me to do alone.

    Keeping the part somewhat straight, inserting it into the side walls and standing on a ladder at the same time turned out to be a dangerous balancing act. The cabinet wobbled back and forth the whole time and I was afraid that the heavy plate would fall on my head. Even though the aim of our test was actually for me to assemble the cabinet completely by myself, a colleague eventually had to step in and help me.

    It should be that simple "Pax"-Cabinet should be easy to assemble – two people will definitely be able to do it well.' title='It should be that easy to "Pax"-Cabinet to assemble – two people will definitely be able to do it well.' width="16" height="9" class="w-full h-full max-w-full rounded-8" decoding="async"><picture><source media="(prefers-color-scheme:dark)"  type="image/svg+xml"></source><img style="--width:32;--height:32" loading="lazy" src="" alt="Enlarge the image" title="Enlarge the image" class="
        absolute bottom-8 right-8 rounded-4 bg-snow p-8" decoding="async"></picture></div><figcaption><small class="inline-block text-12 leading-15 pt-12">It should be that simple “Pax”-Cabinet to assemble – two people will definitely be able to do it well. (Source: Ikea)</small></figcaption></figure>
<div class="px-24 pt-16 md:px-48 md:pt-24 last:pb-16 md:last:pb-24 isolate border-solid border-whitelilac text-trout leading-17" data-testid="StageLayout.StreamItem">
<p class="text-18 leading-17">By the time the body was finally fairly stable, 25 minutes had passed (Ikea says it can be done in 20) and I was drenched in sweat. With two people, the cupboard is definitely much easier to assemble with the plug-in system than before – and I even think that it could be assembled in under 20 minutes. For safety reasons alone, I would recommend having another person with you during assembly.</p>
<div class="px-24 pt-16 md:px-48 md:pt-24 last:pb-16 md:last:pb-24 isolate border-solid border-whitelilac text-trout leading-17" data-testid="StageLayout.StreamItem">
<p class="text-18 leading-17">Unfortunately, as mentioned above, I had inserted one of the lower plug-in elements the wrong way round, which meant that the base plate didn't fit. In addition, part of the back wall had broken off after I had lightly hit it with a chair.</p>
<div class="px-24 pt-16 md:px-48 md:pt-24 last:pb-16 md:last:pb-24 isolate border-solid border-whitelilac text-trout leading-17" data-testid="StageLayout.StreamItem">
<p class="text-18 leading-17">When I looked closely at the break, I noticed that the back panel was apparently only glued to the side panels at very narrow edges. This does not correspond to what Germany boss Walter Kadnar said in an interview with “Picture”newspaper. There he advertised “improved quality” and “more longevity”. If the back seat wall breaks out as soon as you hit it with an object, I wonder how the “Pax” to survive one or more moves – or just a box that is pushed somewhat roughly to the back of a full wardrobe.</p>
<div class="px-24 pt-16 md:px-48 md:pt-24 last:pb-16 md:last:pb-24 isolate border-solid border-whitelilac text-trout leading-17" data-testid="StageLayout.StreamItem">
<p class="text-18 leading-17">I hope that Ikea has not sacrificed quality for a little more efficiency in assembly. For most people, a wardrobe is not a disposable product, but a piece of furniture that you want to keep for a long time and that has to withstand a lot of wear and tear. To be fair, though, one test alone does not speak volumes about the quality. How good the new assembly system is in terms of durability will only become clear in a few years.</p>
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