Sunday, September 8, 2024
    HomeGardenRush of funding applications on the first day

    Rush of funding applications on the first day


    For a long time there was a dispute about the heating law. You can now submit applications for money to replace the heating system. However, if you want to continue using your oil or gas heating, you can do so too.

    Homeowners who want to switch to more climate-friendly heating systems have been able to submit applications to the KfW development bank since Tuesday. Initially, this only applies to owners of single-family homes who live in them themselves. Because there was obviously a lot of demand, there were waiting times when registering on the KfW portal in the morning. “Ahead of you in the waiting room are: 529 people. The waiting room has stopped,” the website said. Applications should begin at 8 a.m.

    At least 30 percent basic funding

    The background to the new funding is the traffic light coalition's heating law, which has been in force since January 1st. Homeowners can apply for up to 70 percent of eligible costs. There is a basic subsidy of 30 percent for the installation of a heating system that is considered climate-friendly, such as a heat pump. Bonuses can also be paid if you use the house yourself and your salary falls below a certain salary limit. A contract with a specialist company is also required.

    There had been bitter disputes over the heating law for months. In general, functioning heaters can continue to be operated. This also applies if a heater breaks but can still be repaired. Since January 1st, it has been mandatory that new buildings in new development areas must have heating with 65 percent renewable energy. In many cases this is a heat pump.

    With the reform for more climate protection, the federal government wants to advance the heating transition in the building sector and protect consumers from price jumps for oil and gas if CO2 prices rise in the coming years.

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