With special fetish
“Harry Potter”-Star Jessie Cave starts on erotic platform
11.03.2025Reading time: 2 min.
![Jessie Cave: the "Harry Potter"-Star has Corona. ' Title = 'Jessie Cave: the "Harry Potter"-Star has Corona. ' Width ="1615" Height ="910" Class ="BG[url:var(--lqipURL)] BG cover BG-Center Flex W-Full Max-W-Full H-Full" Decoding ="async"><span><picture><source media="(prefers-color-scheme:dark)" type="image/svg+xml"></source><img style="--width:32;--height:32" loading="lazy" src="https://insanityflows.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/baldwin-trial-videos-show-camerawomans-death-throes.svg.svg+xml" alt="Enlarge the picture" title="Enlarge the picture" class="
absolute bottom-8 right-8 rounded-4 bg-snow p-8" decoding="async"></picture></span></p>
<p><figcaption class="inline-block text-12 leading-15 pt-12">Jessie Cave: the “Harry Potter”-Star is now active on ONLYFANS.<!-- --> (Source: Imago / EventPress)</figcaption></p>
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<p class="font-bold text-18 leading-17">Over 15 years ago, Jessie Cave managed through the “Harry Potter”-Film series The breakthrough as an actress. Now she wants to open up another source of income.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">In 2009 the British was Jessie Cave as a lavender brown in “Harry Potter and the half -blood prince” To see and became a star overnight. Further film projects have been followed since then, and the now 37-year-old has also been successful as an influencer, author and podcaster. Now Cave is apparently plans to build up another mainstay.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">“I start with only fans”she announced in a new video on her Instagram channel. Then she explained that her content on the platform should turn around her hair. You plan “Sensual things with my hair”want to brush them. “It's like a fetish, I think. I hope”says Jessie Cave. “I think you can make the big money with that”she showed herself confidently.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">But she also emphasized that she did not want to show her feet or her buttocks. The motto sounds “sloppy Mormonin”she wanted to “pure aesthetics” set. She made it clear on her ONLYFANS account: “I don't make explicit sexual content. Maybe I will be in my underwear.” Ocean fans are actually mostly offered erotic and pornographic content for money.</p>
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<p class="text-18 leading-17">There was a lot of encouragement in the comment column, many subscribers reacted positively to the announcement. “I love it”commented a user. “So I would subscribe to your channel immediately”wrote another person. “I hope your concept will work! Get the money”a fan Jessie Cave cheered. “I guess ten points for Gryffindor”is another comment that suggests that Caves film role of Lavender Brown, like Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermine Granger, belongs to Gryffindor – one of the four houses of the Hogwartsschule for witchcraft and magic.</p>
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“Harry Potter”-Star Jessie Cave starts on erotic platform
11.03.2025Reading time: 2 min.
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