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    HomeEntertainmentJungle stars comment on the anniversary season

    Jungle stars comment on the anniversary season


    Starting Thursday, twelve reality stars will be making South Africa unsafe. Former campers tell t-online whether they already have jungle fever or whether the all-stars season leaves them cold.

    After 17 seasons of “I'm a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!”, selected “legends” will come together in the anniversary season that is now starting to fight again for the coveted jungle crown.

    Fans of the entertainment show are excited about the additional season, which – unlike the regular editions – runs in the summer and is produced in South Africa instead of Australia. t-online met four former campers at the VIP premiere of “Tim Burton's Labyrinth” in Berlin and talked to them about the upcoming entertainment sensation of the summer.

    Bird of Paradise Julian FM Stoeckel was part of the 2014 season. He said: “I will of course follow the summer jungle because a lot of my friends are taking part: Kader Loth, Georgina Fleur, Sarah Knappik and of course Winfried Glatzeder, who was in a season with me and who I still value so much for his almost forbidden honesty. I hope that Winfried will clean things up a bit. I'm really looking forward to it.”

    Societylady will also be present Natasha Oxen servantwhich reached seventh place six years ago. She doesn't think she's suitable to take part in the format again: “I'm more of a mediator. But people want to put on a show and that's not my style. If I see that there's bullying or real alarm going on, then I'm the kind of person who steps in. That would probably be boring for a show.”

    “When I'm at home, I look in,” revealed actress Anouschka Renziparticipant in the 15th season two years ago. “It wasn't my life's dream. Corona made it possible because I had no work for two years and it was good money.” She didn't suffer particularly during the two weeks of hardship. “I didn't think it was that bad. To be honest, I found other things worse. I would like to be in summer camp,” she admitted in an interview with t-online.

    Entertainer also agreed Rolf Scheiderwho took fourth place in 2015. “I was there once and it was great. Jungle Camp was great for me. I was there until the last day. If someone asked me, I would take part.” After taking part nine years ago, he hardly tuned in and won't watch the new episodes either: “I'm not really interested,” he admitted.

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